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Weed season!

A weed is a flower growing in the wrong place. - George Washington Carver

With what ultimately turned out to be an El Niño winter, the weeds in the garden are prolific…at least in our garden where we minimize our use of herbicides. While travel magazines direct people to find the best places for the California “super bloom,” we are in the garden trying to beat the super bloom of weeds. The race is on to pull as many weeds as we can before those flowers become seeds dispersing all over the place…again. Heavy rains have saturated the soil, so those nasty little pests are easier to pull with the root intact.

Here is another reason to pull some weeds. As SF Gate professes, “Weed pulling provides a full-body exercise.” Forget the ab crunches and barbell lifts for a day or two and replace the routine with a double reward of clearing out unwanted plants. I can feel the workout in my legs, arms and ha! what’s left of my abs. Now it’s your turn.

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