perennials for winter & spring coursework
Unlike shrubs, perennials generally do not have woody structures. Generally here means that there are always exceptions. Some perennials may develop woody bases with age, and this helps protect them from predators or winter cold. Instead of being defined by their woodiness, perennials are classified as herbaceous plants with tender stems vulnerable to frosts. Encyclopedia Britannica defines an herbaceous perennial as a plant species that dies back to the ground over winter. While that is indeed the case for many perennials, when/where did this definition come from? Most likely from a place of harsher winters than California's Mediterranean climate.
Many perennials in California, particularly from our Bay Area, Central Coast, and Southern California regions, experience mild winters with few frosts - a phenomenon becoming more apparent with climate change. Therefore, some herbaceous perennials that might die back in other regions will instead retain their leaves and structures in California. We can find a very good example in daylilies, or scientifically, Hemerocallis. Daylilies are indeed herbaceous perennials, but they can be subcategorized as both evergreen and deciduous varieties. Evergreen varieties will retain their leaves all year, whereas others will go semi- or fully deciduous over winter. How disappointing would it be for a designer who relied upon the winter greenery found instead they specified a variety that dies back to the ground? Watch out for Salvia, commonly known as sages, because this genus covers shrubs, perennials, and even biennials and annuals (only lasting two years or just a season, respectively). Why is this important?
As landscape designers, we rely upon our plant selections to help tell the story of our designs. We use trees as roofs and shrubs as walls, for example. Perennials create a nuanced air of elegance, reinforce design styles, may provide a punch of color and texture, or support benefits in the home and kitchen, but they can completely disappear over the winter, too. How does the designer's composition hold up during this downtime? Will the perennials only add value for a very short time, such as during a two-week bloom period in spring? These and other questions will need to be considered when choosing perennials.
The good news is that several perennials listed below are evergreen, such as some Hemerocallis mentioned above, but also Helleborus, Euphorbias, and Ajuga, to name only a few. Here again is why these perennials are listed here; not just for seasonal bloom but also their ability to be thriving during the colder seasons. Their contrast to other dormant species support dynamic designs.
Perennials for the winter or spring garden may present interesting structures during the winter, but more likely they are used as evergreen textures or their winter and/or spring blooms that help start a New Year with a little more color. Their details need to be explored by designers, as often exploited in wonderous ways by Swedish designer Piet Oudolf, or historically by English garden designer Gertrude Jekyll. When taking a plant identification class, pay close attention to the seasonal timing of leaf and flower color but also fruit and texture. Explore how these species appear in each season to take full advantage of their unique features.
The following list is fluid, meaning it will change as new information is made available, including new species and status on campus. We welcome any updates, corrections, or comments to continue to make this page useful to students at West Valley College.
If a scientific name is linked, please feel free to find additional information via this website.
scientific name
Ajuga reptans
Aquilegia formosa
Aquilegia hybrids
Aquilegia vulgaris
Arctotheca calendula
Armeria maritima
Aspidistra elatior
Bergenia crassifolia
Brunnera macrophylla
Campanula poscharskyana
Centaurea cineraria
Clivia miniata
Dicentra formosa
Dierama pendulum (formerly D. pulcherrimum
Digitalis lutea
Diplacus aurantiacus (formerly Mimulus aurantiacus)
Epimedium pinnatum ssp. Colchicum
Eschscholzia californica
Euphorbia amygdaloides
Euphorbia x martini 'Ascot Rainbow'
Fragaria chiloensis
Galium odoratum
Geranium incanum
Geranium sanguineum
Geum chiloense
Helleborus foetidus
Helleborus x hybridus
Helleborus orientalis 'Sparkling Diamond'
Hemerocallis hybrids (evergreen or deciduous)
Heuchera x brizoides 'Firefly' (AKA H. x 'Leuchtkafer')
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia 'Palace Purple'
Iberis sempervirens
Iris Pacific Coast Hybrids
Jacabaea maritima (formerly Senecio cineraria or Centaurea cineraria)
Lamium maculatum
Nepea x faassenii
Oenothera speciosa
Oxalis oregana
Pachysandra terminalis
Penstemon heterophyllus
Persicaria bistorta
Phlox subulata
Pratia pedunculata
Primula polyanthus
Primula vulgaris
Pulmonaria hybrids
Salvia 'Bee's Bliss'
Saxifraga stolonifera
Sisyrinchium striatum
Sisyrinchium bellum
Tagetes lemmonii
Thalictrum delavayi
Tiarella cordifolia
Vinca major
Vinca minor
Viola odorata
common name
carpet bugle
Western columbine
European columbine
Cape weed
sea thrift
cast-iron plant
winter-blooming bergenia
Serbian bellflower
dusty miller
natal lily
Western bleeding heart
fairy wand
straw or yellow foxglove
sticky monkey flower
California poppy
wood spurge
Ascot spurge
beach strawberry
sweet woodruff
carpet geranium
bloody cranesbill
bear's foot hellebore
Sparkling Diamon lenten rose
Firefly coral bells
Palace Purple coral bells
Pacific Coast iris
dusty miller
dead nettle
bleeding heart
evening primrose
redwood sorrel
Japanese spurge
foothill penstemon
moss pink
blue star creeper
English primrose
Common primrose
Bee's Bliss sage
strawberry geranium
pale yellow-eyed grass
blue-eyed grass
Copper Canyon daisy
Chinese meadow rue
dwarf periwinkle
sweet violet
campus location